29 January 2009

Lately, things have been slowing down and the excitement of working is slowly dying as each day passes by... It isn't because I dislike working, however I feel that the burn-out rate is really getting higher and higher. The excitement to try new things and adventures are kicking in bit by bit as the days of completion of the attachment draws closer.

I was reading the news lately about President Obama's economic package to start-up US's economy. I didn't really go into detail about the budget and stuff, but what caught my attention was the Republicans and Democrats in the US Parliament. OK, before I continue, all these are just my opinion... no evidence to back-up or anything so chill.

Well, if most people notice, the Parliament in US is made up of the congressman and the house of representatives. I mean it's democratic in nature, true... but whenever a President (e.g. a Republican one) decides to have a new law or bill in place... it will have to go through several stages before being approve.

The weird thing is this... if he is a Republican, the Democrats will most likely oppose to his plans and reject it. This is especially so when the Democrats have more representative as compared to the Republicans. So, the law or bill to so called "help" the country, gets pushed away. Similarly, if the President is a Democrat, the Republicans will do like-wise to prevent the law or bill to be pass. Why?

What I suspect is to prevent the re-election of the other party that has the controlling power now. True, that it will be a competition. However, will this competition between two powerhouses, affect the overall citizens of the country.

Most citizens follow one thing mostly... whoever that is in place of the government should and must be able to provide them a more secured living. Not a welfare state, but a country that they can live without worrying about war, crisis and such. Bottom line to most citizens are their bread and butter... if the government can provide, they will be voted. If they can't, they will get the boot. Simple?

Whatever the decision of the government maybe, I pray that the citizens will not be part of the political scheme just for power-grabbing. Citizens first! Isn't that what it is suppose to be?

Well next topic, I read The Woman's Week (Singapore) and there is a particular page on secrets to reveal... Well, the topic seems to be common these days, showing: "I cheated on my husband." Yeah, common as it is, however it still does send shivers down my spine.

Things happen sometimes in a relationship that both can't control at all. The influences in the World is so great that some just can't resist the temptation. I wondered how many times I killed the feeling in me to prevent doing stupid things... however I also wondered how many times my partner did so.

Trust is a very important element in a relationship. Both trusted each other to come together and be a couple. Surely, once the trust is broken... the amendment takes very big sacrifices. How big? I wouldn't know.

Fear of breaking up, fear of cheating, fear of falling in love with another person during a relationship... so much fear that couples face each time. So much so that if the trust isn't mutual... suspicions will take over and things will start to spiral down to a break-up.

Comparing then to an arranged marriage to a free choice relationship... there is definitely pros and cons to it. A couple can be so steady for so many years, and it just takes one guy or lady to appear as a third party... things changes.

For those who realise their mistakes, good for you. Regret is definitely something, however move on and prevent it from happening to destroy your happiness and your partner's happiness. For those who realise their mistakes and yet continue doing so without any consideration of your partner's feeling, may God bless your soul. Seriously, a human life is that limited and fragile.

People committing suicide due to such cases, I really don't know what to say. Maybe it will ease their pain, maybe it is just a foolish act to do... whatever it is, Shit happens.

26 January 2009

Gooood Morning... and Happy Chinese New Year to All.

Wondering why I'm up so late? Well, I just can't sleep off somehow.

Well... attachment is coming to an end.... school is coming to an end... and many things are going to start soon after that. What does my future holds? Where does my path leads to? These are very familiar questions we tend to ask ourselves whenever we reach a turning point in our lives...

Which is greater... destiny or fate?

A definition of destiny: implies something foreordained and often suggests a great or noble course or end

A definition of fate: implies an inevitable and usually an adverse outcome

Some people say that your fate is in your hands... while your destiny cannot be changed. Is it true? Are we all destine for something greater than our fate? Or is our fate bring us to where we are destine to be?

So many life visionaries and wise men have come to pass, and yet no true meaning of either one has been found. Does that mean that it doesn't exist at all, except in the minds of the humans?

Well... I believe that the decisions we made today, will lead us to what will happen in the future. Ever wonder if you can go back time to prevent Issac Newton from getting hit by that apple? Will we know what is gravity or Newtons Law? Perhaps, preventing Hitler from starting the war, will the World be a better place? Who knows?

Embrace the future and uncertainty... it maybe difficult to trust something that you are unsure of, however believe you can make it happen and that there is nothing impossible unless you say so.

As to this coming CNY, I can feel the difference in my life, whereby relationships are going to get better and 'repaired'. Family first, that's what PM Lee said. I truly agree... In times like this, what is a better way to strengthen the family first as compared to going solo? Blood is thicker than water, the saying goes. Unity is strength.

In any event, there is a cause and effect. Perhaps, this recession is an event to wake us up on the lack of moral values, family relationship, friendship that we have forgo as the economy is growing strong, then. So why not take this chance to amend broken relationship and strengthen growing relationship?

I would like to take the people who have been my pillars of life. Without you all, I wouldn't be who I am now. Thank you!

24 January 2009

Good afternoon...

I'm back from work, after a night out with my relatives plus 2 hrs of power nap and then work. I guess my body is use to such impromptu arrangement in my life.

Well, I went to Church yesterday and it was kinda cool. The Little Nonya (NCC version) was played by the ever active and passionate members of the Body of Christ. Haha, well, it has been a long time since I felt the presence of God in his House. It definitely felt great.

Well, last night I took home two things that the Pastor Mark was sharing.

1) God gave us the mouth to Bless and not to curse.
People always say to listen more as God gave you two ears to listen and one mouth to speak. However, to speak what, is the question. Nowadays, you get to hear people backstabbing, gossiping, down-playing each other. Where has all the praise and blessing towards people goes to? In Church only? During Chinese New Year only? ... Why not use the mouth to bless each other whenever you meet up with your friends? Or even say something nice? It isn't hypocritical unless you say it without meaning it in your heart.

2) Right Believing is Right Living
True indeed. Some people say that it is all in the mind to make things happen. But being in the mind isn't enough, unless you believe. Do you believe that your relationship will last? do you believe you can lead in your projects? do you believe that you are a better person each day? do you believe you can achieve?!

If you do not believe, even with the Whole World's resources, you wouldn't be able to succeed in your goals and stuff. The first step and the major step to move forward, is to believe. Believe that you are taking the path that will lead you to your destination. Believe that no matter what, there is a God that guides you along.

Ultimately, the decision can't be made any tom, dick or harry... it has to be made by YOU.

Think about this year's Chinese New Year. How different will it be as compared to last year or previous years? Do you believe it will be fun and loving for you?

To all my Chinese friends, Happy Chinese New Year. Gong Xi Fa Choi!

To all my other friends, happy holidays! It's a long break that everyone is looking forward to!


20 January 2009

She asked: "Is a relationship just as simple as enjoying each other's company?"

Well, to me... it depends. Of coz, you have to enjoy each other's company and presence, or else where is the fun and love in a relationship? Basically, what attracts two parties to come together and proclaim that they are an item?

I'm no love guru or consultant... nor do I have a lot of relationship experience. However, I believe that in a relationship, it takes two hands to clap. It takes two person to love and it takes two person to share a common thing. Yeah, love each other for your differences, but there is a fine line to it. The differences, if not carefully balance out, may cause friction instead of mutual understanding between a couple.

Accompanying one another in a simple environment, perhaps a beach setting or even at home... could mean many things. Instead of stoning at each other, why not talk?! Share your thoughts and feelings... share your love for one another... This is just a component of a relationship: Communication. Without communication, you will drift apart, and feelings maybe lost. That's my opinion for sure. What about you?

Congrats to Euodia for getting your desired course! Time to work hard from here on and be the best that you can be. Remember the Scout promise, second liner? To be the best! Have faith in the things you choose and the things you do... :)

What about my other kiddies and scout brothers and sisters? How did you fare in your 'O' level examinations as well as the path you are heading?

No matter where you go, what you do or how you achieve it... there is a common background amongst you all... that's Scouting. You grew from here and you use it to make you fly (Not redbull gives you wings eh). Fly and reach for the sky, that's what Ms Yong told me. The sky is your limit!

SandS Rovers: Time to get things started again... or else the engine will grow cold and it will stall... the battery may run out if you just stay permanent, just like how it did in PLTC 08. Then we will have a very fun time trying to push it again! Haha

Siglap Scouts: Time to wake up and get moving too.... more will come to your way. Visit the blog constantly for updates of events, activities and even food for thoughts.

22 of the month... a time to remember... a walk to remember and a journey of suger, spice and everything nice... !

18 January 2009

White Stag New Blog --> http://whitestagscouttroop.blogspot.com/

White Stag Gmail --> whitestagscouttroop@gmail.com

Pass it on!

17 January 2009

Thanks to my dearest Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) 2009... they gave a suggestion to post challenges and items to be done on my blog, so that can actually read it and work upon it. Weird, I guess I have to create a White Stag Blog soon or maybe SOMEONE can get the White Stag website going again and add some function that can update on the activities and stuff. Well... anyone?

Ok, today the White Stag had a flag staff building and procedure training. I guess, most PLs and APLs will find it hard to grasp the attention of the younger members. At the same time, it is also not that easy to teach the members on such a simple structure and procedure. No worries, the leaders are always around to guide and mentor you guys, but whether if you guys can succeed or fail, it depends on YOU!

Ok, to cut things short here are the things!

1. Roles and Responsibilities of a PL and an APL
You are to define your way of being a PL or APL. There is no right or wrong in this, just whether it suits you a not.

Task: Patrol File - what to contain that will help you to keep track of your members in the patrol?

2. Roles and Responsibilities of a QM
You are to find out what is lacking in the unit and also what needs to be done to improve the logistic management of the unit. Sounds heavy duty? Think about something that you can easier maintain and follow up with eh?

Task: QM Logbook - what to contain to help you account for the equipment for the patrols and in the den.

3. Roles and Responsibilities of a Scribe
You are to assist in maintaining the paper work and library of the Scout den. Writing of minutes and taking of attendance. What other duties do you think you can use the role of a Scribe to help your PLC with?

Task: Scribe File - what to contain to help you file your minutes and other paper documents properly?

4. Roles and Responsibilities of a Treasurer
It may seem like a slack job as the more stress part of your duty is during Job Week camp and Donation Draw collection. However what other roles and responsibilities can you help the leaders or PLC in the collection of money? The most important feature in this role is honesty and integrity.

Task: Treasurer Account Logbook - what do you think should contain in this logbook?

5. Roles and Responsibilities of a Program/ Song Leaders
A 3 way team working to make sure that the program is running smoothly as well as the scouts are proficient in songs for sing-a-long or campfires. Easy job? Not likely unless you can come up with something fun for them to learn about.

Task: Duty schedule. What other things do you think you can work together to help the patrols to learn more about songs? What other things do you think you can work together to ensure the program and training is done properly?

All the tasks are to be presented in the next meeting on the 24th of January 2009. And also to meet up with those who didn't come for the unit meeting today, try to find out from them, what is stopping them from coming for scouting activities/ meetings.

Scouting doesn't just revolves in school or during scout meetings. It revolves daily in your life wherever you are and whenever you are. Take a look around at times, and spot what are some area in your life is considered scouting.

A message from Master Yoda: "Do or do not... there is no try!" Like I say, scouting is a place for you to discover yourself through activities and character building? Time to stop playing and joking ... and get ready for more serious matters.

You are the backbone of the unit and you are the ones that will be leading the unit this year. Talking Macaw, Wombat, Russian Bear, Raging Bat and myself were given the opportunity to lead our patrols and also to grow with them... the opportunity is now given to you all... What do you intend to do with it?

For the other scouts who are reading this, be it that you are in secondary 1 or even poly/ junior college. You are always learning new things from the older generation, younger generation and even your peers. Are you ready to learn more? Do you have that learner's attitude?

3 Cheers and 3 Cheers and 3 Cheers for PLC 09!
Hip hip... (hurray)
Hip hip... (hurray)
Hip hip... (hurray)!!!!!!

13 January 2009

Have you ever felt like the end of one's journey is coming to an end? I don't mean in the situation of someone who is dying, but also in many other areas such as your path through schooling, through scouting or even a passion that you walked along for some time.

Does it led you into a state of confusion, not knowing where to go about next or what steps to take on the next path?

Jedi once told me that from the age of 17 onward till about 21 years old, is what he term as the 'lost' years. Why so?

His reasoning was that it is the period whereby one tries to find out more about his or her direction in life as well as to know himself or herself better. At a tender age of about 15 years old, I asked myself this question once, "Why am I place here on Earth?" and "What's my purpose in life?" It may seem like a suicidal question, however did you really wonder?

In a couple of weeks time, the poly attachment will be coming to an end... soon it will be graduation from school and waiting for enlistment. (Guys, you can't run away from this!!). What's next during the period of graduation till the enlistment date? I seriously do not know.

Similarly, when I graduated from my secondary school, I wondered where should I go next and what should I do in life? There isn't any fixed answer to me, so I just went wondering around, found a course to study in and make new friends (including a girlfriend, right suicide partner?).

Every time whenever we step out of our comfort zone and try to adapt to new environment and situation, we tend to get lost and confuse for a moment or two. However, as long as we decide to go forth with our heart and soul. I guess God has plan a path for us to take.

So no worries about where to go and what to do. Today's world isn't about studying and studying only. It's also about your passion and interest in life. You can study till the cow comes home and till you bring your textbook to your grave, however what matters most is YOU. Do you feel happy and fulfilling in life? Have you regretted not doing something that you would like to do?

I told Stefy yesterday, and Crayfish today... moving on from secondary school to either Junior college (JC), Polytechnic (Poly) or even Institute of Technical Education (ITE)... how do you survive in those new environment? You can't run away from theoretical modules in either vocation or school... However, in order to survive through and enjoy either paths, is your interest and passion in that particular subject that you have chosen.

I can't say that I am totally satisfied in the subject that I have chosen. 2 years have already passed and graduation is around the corner, I didn't feel happy all the time and passion wasn't really there. However, for me, the challenges and friendship forge throughout the 2 years, made me survive till present day. I love my friends (Ben, Ming, Ting, Mel, Juan, Bel, Shan) as well as the one suicide partner that I have found. (Still have not jump from the 8th floor of Block 52 yet!, haha we survive, didn't we?)

Life is a paradox or a game... whatever you decide to make it happen. Like the saying goes: "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is present... that's why it's call a gift" A gift from God that you get to live one day after another to make your life meaningful and exciting.

Cheers friends! Tomorrow will be a better day, depending on how you want it to be!

11 January 2009

Time pass by so fast again... soon it will be the end of the attachment and then graduation from school!

It can really be a love-hate affair when it comes to such things. Why? Simply, you love to leave school as soon as possible to try on new things or even do things that you never really got the chance to do due to school work and examinations. However, at the same time, you hate to leave behind the place that you have been going for a couple of years to study. It would be like a 'second' home to you somehow.

Tomorrow will be the big day for those who have taken their GCE 'O' level examinations last year. I wanna wish all students the best of luck and pray that you will attain the results that you aim to achieve.

I could still remember the day before my results is coming out. I was out late, trying to forget about the nervousness and the fear of disappointment the next day. Knowing that the time for collection will be at 2:30pm onwards, as the time gets closer, the heart thumps harder and harder.

I could really feel butterflies in my stomach. After a long talk by the principal... honestly it felt like eternity during that period, the results were finally announced. I was really overjoyed for attaining my dream results... I knew I have proven my worth in my family as well as to myself. At the same time, I felt sad as I know that this will be the last moment where all the students will congregate in the same hall for the last time.

Now looking back, I do savour each moment I spent in that hall with all of my classmates and friends. To share the joy and sorrow together as one school of Siglapians. Tomorrow, I believe it will be the same ritual for all students in Singapore.

Good luck!

Back to scouting, as the new generation of kids is coming up to take on new roles and responsibilities, the previous generation of kids will be moving on with their new journey to partake. It can be a stage where reality hits hard and you will be questioning yourself, about wanting to stay on or move on from here. I do have that feeling to when I entered Venturing, Rovering and Leadering.

Even now, I do not fully comprehend the fundamental and my life direction in the future. What I am expecting is to live happily, to work happily and to scout happily. Sox once told me that if you are searching to find yourself and define yourself, welcome to scouting if you are a scout. Why so? It is because through the fundamentals of scouting and the activities, it is where you grow and you find out about yourself even more till you finally discover your potential and your future.

If you have already discover yourself, it doesn't mean that you graduated from scouting. However, it means that you are at a level to share your experience and to guide those who are lost.

Once a scout, always a scout. I believe many had heard about this before. As long as you have been invested as a scout, through the investiture... you will find that your daily life revolves around the scouting fundamentals as well as the skills that you have learnt along the way.

Do not fear, but embrace it and use it to your advantage and be successful in life.

Well, fear is something that eats your faith away. However, it is also something that test your faith. :)

Countdown begins: 34 Days till the end of attachment.

03 January 2009

The New Year has come and passed... I guess it's time to stop thinking about the past already. Why so? The reflections, the remembrance of the past events in 2008 should have been done before 31 December 2008 (2359.59hrs) ... It's time to step up and move forward into 2009 with a zest and energy to achieve and fulfill dreams that you always want to do so.

As things are starting to get packed again, have we ever stopped and thought to ourselves, if we should continue doing some matters, or should be move on to another area of life? I don't know. Wolf asked me once to name 10 roles I played in my life. I was pondering hard about it. However, he listed it down for me as easily as remembering the name you were given from birth.

1. To be a son to your father
2. To be a student to the school (whichever school you belongs to eh!)
3. To be a citizen in your country (whichever country you belongs to!)
4. To be a boyfriend to your girlfriend
5. To be a brother to your siblings
6. To be a faithful follower in your faith (whichever faith you believe in)
7. To be a scout in the Scouting movement
8. To be a leader to your boys/ girls/ men/ women...
9. To be a friend to your friends and strangers (remember the 3rd Scout Law?!)
10. To be a MAN!

So may seem so insignificance in your life now, however when you think about it... there's really a lot more to just being who you are. A man without responsibilities, wouldn't have a purpose in life. It works both ways.

Marlinne did this weird quiz... She said she is a molester... erm I guess I have to agree with her. Haha coz' when I did the quiz I got the same result as her. I think most of us would actually be seeking the personal touch and physical touch to feel rather than to receive 'earthly' gifts from out partners.

Here's my results:

I feel loved when...

The Five Love Languages

My Primary Love Language is Physical Touch

My Detailed Results:
Physical Touch: 10
Quality Time: 9
Acts of Service: 5
Words of Affirmation: 5
Receiving Gifts: 1

About this quiz

Unhappiness in relationships is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. It can be helpful to know what language you speak and what language those around you speak.

Tag 3 people so they can find out what their love language is.

Take the Quiz!
Check out the Book

Well... I'm looking forward for an exciting year for me and my surrounding family, friends, brothers and sisters in 2009.
