17 January 2009

Thanks to my dearest Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) 2009... they gave a suggestion to post challenges and items to be done on my blog, so that can actually read it and work upon it. Weird, I guess I have to create a White Stag Blog soon or maybe SOMEONE can get the White Stag website going again and add some function that can update on the activities and stuff. Well... anyone?

Ok, today the White Stag had a flag staff building and procedure training. I guess, most PLs and APLs will find it hard to grasp the attention of the younger members. At the same time, it is also not that easy to teach the members on such a simple structure and procedure. No worries, the leaders are always around to guide and mentor you guys, but whether if you guys can succeed or fail, it depends on YOU!

Ok, to cut things short here are the things!

1. Roles and Responsibilities of a PL and an APL
You are to define your way of being a PL or APL. There is no right or wrong in this, just whether it suits you a not.

Task: Patrol File - what to contain that will help you to keep track of your members in the patrol?

2. Roles and Responsibilities of a QM
You are to find out what is lacking in the unit and also what needs to be done to improve the logistic management of the unit. Sounds heavy duty? Think about something that you can easier maintain and follow up with eh?

Task: QM Logbook - what to contain to help you account for the equipment for the patrols and in the den.

3. Roles and Responsibilities of a Scribe
You are to assist in maintaining the paper work and library of the Scout den. Writing of minutes and taking of attendance. What other duties do you think you can use the role of a Scribe to help your PLC with?

Task: Scribe File - what to contain to help you file your minutes and other paper documents properly?

4. Roles and Responsibilities of a Treasurer
It may seem like a slack job as the more stress part of your duty is during Job Week camp and Donation Draw collection. However what other roles and responsibilities can you help the leaders or PLC in the collection of money? The most important feature in this role is honesty and integrity.

Task: Treasurer Account Logbook - what do you think should contain in this logbook?

5. Roles and Responsibilities of a Program/ Song Leaders
A 3 way team working to make sure that the program is running smoothly as well as the scouts are proficient in songs for sing-a-long or campfires. Easy job? Not likely unless you can come up with something fun for them to learn about.

Task: Duty schedule. What other things do you think you can work together to help the patrols to learn more about songs? What other things do you think you can work together to ensure the program and training is done properly?

All the tasks are to be presented in the next meeting on the 24th of January 2009. And also to meet up with those who didn't come for the unit meeting today, try to find out from them, what is stopping them from coming for scouting activities/ meetings.

Scouting doesn't just revolves in school or during scout meetings. It revolves daily in your life wherever you are and whenever you are. Take a look around at times, and spot what are some area in your life is considered scouting.

A message from Master Yoda: "Do or do not... there is no try!" Like I say, scouting is a place for you to discover yourself through activities and character building? Time to stop playing and joking ... and get ready for more serious matters.

You are the backbone of the unit and you are the ones that will be leading the unit this year. Talking Macaw, Wombat, Russian Bear, Raging Bat and myself were given the opportunity to lead our patrols and also to grow with them... the opportunity is now given to you all... What do you intend to do with it?

For the other scouts who are reading this, be it that you are in secondary 1 or even poly/ junior college. You are always learning new things from the older generation, younger generation and even your peers. Are you ready to learn more? Do you have that learner's attitude?

3 Cheers and 3 Cheers and 3 Cheers for PLC 09!
Hip hip... (hurray)
Hip hip... (hurray)
Hip hip... (hurray)!!!!!!


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