24 January 2009

Good afternoon...

I'm back from work, after a night out with my relatives plus 2 hrs of power nap and then work. I guess my body is use to such impromptu arrangement in my life.

Well, I went to Church yesterday and it was kinda cool. The Little Nonya (NCC version) was played by the ever active and passionate members of the Body of Christ. Haha, well, it has been a long time since I felt the presence of God in his House. It definitely felt great.

Well, last night I took home two things that the Pastor Mark was sharing.

1) God gave us the mouth to Bless and not to curse.
People always say to listen more as God gave you two ears to listen and one mouth to speak. However, to speak what, is the question. Nowadays, you get to hear people backstabbing, gossiping, down-playing each other. Where has all the praise and blessing towards people goes to? In Church only? During Chinese New Year only? ... Why not use the mouth to bless each other whenever you meet up with your friends? Or even say something nice? It isn't hypocritical unless you say it without meaning it in your heart.

2) Right Believing is Right Living
True indeed. Some people say that it is all in the mind to make things happen. But being in the mind isn't enough, unless you believe. Do you believe that your relationship will last? do you believe you can lead in your projects? do you believe that you are a better person each day? do you believe you can achieve?!

If you do not believe, even with the Whole World's resources, you wouldn't be able to succeed in your goals and stuff. The first step and the major step to move forward, is to believe. Believe that you are taking the path that will lead you to your destination. Believe that no matter what, there is a God that guides you along.

Ultimately, the decision can't be made any tom, dick or harry... it has to be made by YOU.

Think about this year's Chinese New Year. How different will it be as compared to last year or previous years? Do you believe it will be fun and loving for you?

To all my Chinese friends, Happy Chinese New Year. Gong Xi Fa Choi!

To all my other friends, happy holidays! It's a long break that everyone is looking forward to!



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