28 November 2008

Here's a game tagged by my buddy Turtle... well just to entertain her as well as others!

1- Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2- People who got tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3- At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and their names.
4- No tag backs!

10 facts about myself:

1. Without scouting, I'm really nothing in life... I tried imaging that once... I can't really place myself in any other position or areas in life.

2. I've been using my booster and pillow since I was in primary school... after all, the booster was made by my mum and the pillow brought by my dad.

3. My room is always in a complete state of mess, as though a storm just come and go.

4. I always stick out my tongue whenever I start to concentrate on matters, my mei mei can verify that!

5. I can cook too! Even though it may not be that tasty at times, however it is still edible.

6. I like to observe people who do weird things and wonder why. This is especially so in public places!

7. I am bad in expressing my emotions... very true!

8. I always prepare snacks or sweets during lectures so as to keep myself awake... or else I will end up sleeping again! Ben and the others can verify that!

9. I can sleep while standing! Trained from the travels from East to West during the Poly semester.

10. I always play with my hair especially when it is long!

Yeap, so now I'll tag on to more people... wahaha!!

1. Marlinne
2. Raging Bat
3. Wisdom Keeper
4. Wombat
5. Hairy Crab
6. Waiman
7. Cottontail
8. Euodia
9. Stefy
10. Huda


25 November 2008

2 years ago... Purdy and Hylands ruled Sarimbun Campsite at PLTC 2006. Both sub-camps were being led by Wisdom Keeper and Kind Heron, respectively.

1 year ago... Solar and Lunar ruled Sarimbun Campsite at PLTC 2007. Both sub-camps were being led by Caring Cottontail and Marlin, respectively.

This year, Gilwell and Brownsea rules Sarimbun Campsite at PLTC 2008. Both sub-camps were being led by Wombat and Hairy Crab, respectively.

Patrol Leaders Training Course, where the best of the best out-shine each other. Where the next generation of future leaders began to grow. Where the strongest survive and the weakest fade away. This was the kinda camp I was in, back in 2002.

The new generation of PLTC, is where the best guides the ones that are learning. Opportunities were given to all, to step out of their comfort zone to take on new things. This is a totally different scenario, back in 2002, whereby we were force to fight for responsibilities and to out-shine, out-smart, out-look, out-wit and be outstanding.

Anyway, it was fun seeing the kids grow... although the PLTC wasn't as harsh and tough as before. It was still a place for leaders to grow. Those who survived, became better man... those who didn't, I wonder?

As each generation pass-out from PLTC, I wonder how these kids are doing now? Are they being who they want to be in life? Are they living up their dreams and purpose?

I asked this question through-out the PLTC 08... Judging from the scale of 0% to 100%, how ready are you to be a PL? Of coz, the chances of someone answering 100%, is close to none. However, most felt that they are more or less ready to take on the challenge to be a patrol leader and lead their members well.

Whatever it is, I would like to thank the committee members of PLTC 08, for giving the opportunity to be present in the camp to assist and learn from you guys.

I would also like to thank the participants of Gilwell and Brownsea sub-camp for making the camp enjoyable!!



Tampines District!

10 November 2008

Do you believe in the phrase, "Your destiny is in your hands" or "You create your own future"? A lot of humans do understand the concept however many are also running away from it. Think of the times when you are afraid to face something and you kept on running away over and over again. Perhaps, addiction to drinking or smoking or pornography... or fear of rejection, hurt, pain and such...


To lessen the pain, humans run ... they hope to run as far away as possible however sadly, most problems are tagged to them as shadows, following them wherever they go. You can try to shake it off once or twice... however as long as you kept on running, it will keep on following.

Are emotions so difficult to control all the time? No, I don't believe so... as long as you decide to control your emotions, you will start to think clearer and to see things from many angles. When your emotions starts to rule your mind, words and actions, you will bound to follow how you feel. Marlinne told me that girls go about by feeling. However guys go about by thinking and acting upon it... it's really different especially when a girl has an emotional whirlpool in her.

Yeap, I agree with her definitely, however as humans... we need to be considerate towards each other... If we can't give in, we got to compromise. If we can't compromise, we got to learn to accept. If we can't accept, we got learn to reflect and change ourselves.

A foolish person would only think of himself or herself and neglect the others around them. I believe that there will be guardian angels being sent around to take care of people, however where do devils comes from? ... Fallen angels!

A blind person would try to live in a world of fantasy and escape from reality. How much can you escape? How much can you continue living in your own world of fantasy? How much more can you handle it?!

The most scary kinda person, is that he or she knows that they are moving towards a dead-end and instead of stop, think and turn around... they continue to walk towards the dead-end. And in the event that they had reached the dead-end.... they would just circle round and round to no end.

Rovering teaches the young adults about the 5 rocks in their lives. In fact, the 5 rocks are just generalisation of other minor rocks that we will face in life during our journey. If you tripped over one rock and fall, are we going to sit there and weep all day long? or are we going to pick ourselves up and move on with our life journey?

You decide your life! You choose your path! Never say no, never give up... just do your best. There isn't such things as impossible and there isn't anything fixed in this World.

Stop giving excuses to yourself to make you feel better! You are just burdening yourself more with the pain and gulit. STOP, THINK/ REFLECT and MOVE ON!

09 November 2008

In life, there are many turning points for one to experience. Each turning point can be more relax or more difficult, depending on how you are going to embark on that journey.

For me, I would get lost each time I started to walk past that turning point. There will seem to have many routes for me to take in life. However, sometimes when you are sick and tired of some matters, you would just love to bash through each and every single pathway to reach your destination. That's where people get hurt and angry and other emotional feelings started to fill in.

Without hurt, how do you know what is called comfort?

Without hate, how do you know what is love?

Without hesitation, how do you know what is confirmation?

At times, as the saying goes "Without mistakes, you will not learn many things". True enough, as due to fear, pain and hurt, you decide not to fall in love again... how will you experience happiness through relationship (not friendship)? Right?

These is the challenge I would like to set out for the PLTC 08 camp staff and participants:

1. To have fun together as a camp! Nothing beats having an enriching, fun-learning and relationship building camp for the scouts... after all, the skills can be forgotten and re-learned, however the friendship would stay as long as time does.

Anyway, each camp staff (ventures) had received a mini-challenge from me last night. I hope they will consider it and do their best in trying out something new. I love to talked to people who are willing to take the step forward to learn... I may sound naggy, but I do mean well!

See the PLTC 08 being held at the same spot, reminds me of PLTC 07. Those kids, I wonder how they are doing now?

06 November 2008

My Dearest Brother, Kind Heron, sent this out earlier to some of his mailing groups on the topic of:

21 things girls don't realize about guys
Actually, I got to disagree with this statement as there are really much more things that both genders don't really know or even realize about each other.

1) Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about
(I must say... it's usually very through. Firstly, what's the definition of flirting towards a girl or a guy? It differs a lot...!)

2) Guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer then you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.
(This is very true... they can take a long time to decide whether to love a girl, however it will take a longer time to let the girl go. Those aren't call weeps or sissy, but real man. Coz' they understand the meaning of loving the other partner!)

3) Guys go crazy over a girl's smile(:
(This is super duper true... what normally mesmerise a guy, is the smile of the girl that he loves... so smile more often, girls!)

4) A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.
(Erm... you can call a guy an attention seeker or whatever, similar to girls... guys do need the girl he loves to talk to him more than other guys. If not... jealous might just be the common reason for breaking up...)

5) Giving a guy a hanging message like 'You know what?..uh...nevermind..' would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.
(Ok, who likes being hang in the air? Like what my suicide partner said... if you don't want to carry on or end it... don't even start it. It can really kill someone if you just leave things hanging around.)

6) If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.
(I guess... this is applicable to both a guy and a girl. Like what Turtle said... the party would already have the answer to the problem faced. He or she just needs a listening ear.)

7) A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.
(Very true... or else the guy would be very boring to go out with. Coz' he teases you, you would smile and laugh. That's what's he is going after...)

(Erm... depends. Coz' there isn't equal love in this World anyway... but just don't go around comparing the amount of love in the relationship. It's more like love or not to love kinda question.... there isn't any middle feelings)

9) Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole heck of a lot.
(Not necessary... although I'm like that... my conclusion, there isn't much beautiful girls around. But they are just cute or hot... and there isn't any lousy looking girls around too!)

10)If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.
(Very true... unless he force himself to not think about it. A guy will be a guy after all, image and ego is still a big factor when it comes to girls)

11)If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and he is really thinking about something
(Yeap, and most likely ... it would be very very serious, and chances are they wouldn't want you to question them about it as they do not want the girls to be worried or get all hype up about it)

12) When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is
Guys rarely say that
(Definition of crazy first... haha some may just go crazy blindly, while others with an intent)

13)When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, 'Please come and listen to me
(Erm, depends also... sometimes, guys would just like to be alone to straighten their thoughts at times. However, it would be most comforting for the girl he loves, to lay on him while he is troubled. Somehow, the trouble wouldn't be there anymore)

14)If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something is up.
(Yeap, agreed!! Don't try to joke when a guy is serious, as the temper is reaching its peak by then...)

15) When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking
(Chances are either that you are too good looking that the guy just love looking at you and waiting for that smile... or you got something on your face that the guy just doesn't know how to put it across to you... haha)

16) Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them
(Well... I super agree... don't ask me why. I feel that all the time!)

17) A guy would give the world to be able to read a girl's mind for a day.
(Haha, I wouldn't give the world, just my time... but chances are... I'm just plain lazy to think about it)

18)No guy can handle all his problems on his own.
He's just too stubborn to admit it
(Erm, another problem with ego and imagine... we got to appear strong somehow)

Just because ONE is RUDE doesn't mean he represents ALL of them
(I agree, just some a-hole decides to treat girls badly, it doesn't mean the rest would do so... so don't judge a guy so early. Guys are just wild when they try to tease you)

(What can I say... 100% true... unless the guy is on the verge of collapsing...)

21)Even if you dump a guy months ago and he loved you he probably still does and if he had one wish it would be you to come back into his life
(Well... unless if the guy loves you in the first place...)
All comments made in red, are just personal opinions. It's okay to have differing thoughts and answers about it. After all, it's your life... You decide how you want to live it!
Cheers people!

05 November 2008

Sometimes, it does pay off to wait patiently for someone to change and surprise you in life... it's now or never....!

Wild Cats ... What? White Stag! haha Yeah... to all NPC participants ... it's now or never... how many times in life can you experience this mother of all scouting competition in Singapore? Give it your best shot and live with glory for your unit.

It's really a battle of wits, physical endurance and teamwork. There isn't any 'I' in a team... What team?! White Stag... What team?! White Stag!

For honour and glory... Fight with Honour, Win with Pride! That's our motto for White Stag 2003 NPC team. The first team to be sent for NPC and the first to get a Bronze award... It may seem little, but it meant a lot for those who went through the regimental training under our Big Boss as well as the thick and thin times we had...

Sometimes, in life, you have only one chance to make it right... and you have to do it well. The basic principle in Scouting is to do your best... so do it!

I've dream of walking down the memory lane someday as I am fading away... looking at the things I've done and experience in life. Some of which still being glorified, while others are just regrets....

Somehow, as years go pass, even if the trophy is being dumped somewhere... however the honour and pride that you earned, will stay with you forever. I have no doubt that one day the names on the school hall will be taken down, however achieving that dream, was the moment of time that I felt relieve and ... let's say shiok!

Would you be a person that will leave a legacy behind for others to remember? Or will you be the one that is forgotten as time passes by?

02 November 2008

For most uniform groups, especially Scouts (coz' our campfire songs are just that damn good compared to the rest... haha kidding...), you would hear the song, 'New Friend Found' as a wonderful song to grab a girl guide or girls in scouting to dance with...

However, besides trying to pick up a girl... which sadly nowadays, all I see is guys dancing with guys and girls dancing with girls, what's with this new trend now? Anyway, just thought of the meaning a while ago...

Despite the original meaning, whereby the girl will stand in front of the guy and they would hold hands to dance with. And each time the song restarts, the girl will move backwards to the next guy. So here is how it goes:

As we walked to the left, as we walked to the right
As we walked, as we walked, as we walked all night
With a heel and a toe and a half turn around
With a heel and a toe and a new friend found.

In life, we always meet new friends.... although there's a saying whereby: "If the old ones doesn't go away, how does the new one come along." If it's about boy-girl relationship... I guess it's kinda true... but it wouldn't be true if it comes to friendships. Friends are friends for life...

Last night, a group of rovers met up to celebrate the finding of two new rover brothers and advisers. It was a simple celebration, yet a meaningful one (perhaps, I find that so...). Wolf asked me, how did I feel about it? I guess, no matter how tired, how much effort and time I have to spare, if it's for my brothers and sisters in scouting to experience something new and to celebrate for their step forward into a new journey... it's all worth it.

The most precious in life, I guess is time. Time that is being used to spend time with your friends, family and other people. Time to wait patiently for friends to return by your side and to share your joy with them...

To celebrate for those new scouters and new friends found ... and to end the night with each other... here's a song for our brothers and sisters in scouting and guiding:

By the blazing council firelight
We’ve met in comradeship tonight
Round about the whispering trees
Guard our golden memories
And so before we close our eyes to sleep
Let us pledge each other that we’ll keep.
Scouting friendship strong and deep
Till we meet again