07 March 2009

When the Priest mentioned: "When a person is happy, he or she radiates happiness to others. Similarly, if the person is wounded or sad or bitter, he or she will inflict sadness, bitterness and making the other party wounded (be it physically, emotionally or mentally)".

The first thought that came into my mind was the common slogan used between my God-sisters and me... "You happy, I happy. You sad, I sad" Somehow, so many years have passed, and the slogan still live in me whenever I come in contact with humans.

I am not a very emotional person, as I am more of the logical side of a human. However, when it comes to sharing of other people's happiness and problems... I can handle it with care. I don't get too engrossed, till I fall in with the person. Yet, I do not be over zealous and go over my head.

I'm glad that life has been quite smooth for me.

Rain rain go away come again another day... Little Marlin wants to play! More clouds, more playtime...


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