15 August 2008

Sox said: "If you look at the friendship bond of scouters in the past and present, they have stronger bonds cos of their commitment... with stronger bond, that's their secret of their success."

Friendship... Bond... Commitment... Success...

It comes as a package in life. In the Scouting life. How far had we come together for the unit, brothers? 2 years already? ... Yet, within these 2 years, despite having different goals for our own development and for the unit, we stayed strong and fight strong to preserve our culture and our boys and leaders.

We stood by them and fought with them. So what's the next step to preserve that culture as long as we are there for the unit?

SandS Rover... a rover crew created with many ideas and many hopes. Yet, despite many challenges, it's still remain standing tall. Service and Support... I guess the concept was there, however the fundamental of fellowship among rovers were missing.

Fellowship of the Open Air and Service. Fellowship first, before Service.

Rovers of Singapore today, it's either experiencing a venturing life or a leadering life... what is truly a rovering life? I don't know seriously... But I'm willing to experience it with my other brothers and sisters who are willing to go through it together with me.

Dream big ... that's what Wolf and Wisdom Keeper told me... I'm going to dream big now... I want to change Singapore scouting through White Stag, SandS and Tampines District...

Will my brothers be there for me? Whether being senior or junior brothers...


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