09 August 2008

It's so uncool to be sick... I guess, those late nights... those drinks, fried supper items and junk food is really a powerful mixture to temporary shut-down my body at least for 14 hrs.

Well National Day was yesterday... each year, I would embrace this day to think about the progress of the country and how it will be going to be like, living in Singapore in years to come. From a small fishing village, to a global village today... what else can we ask for? There wasn't any resources for us to boast about, except for humans... and through these humans... the country grew and grew. It will definitely continue growing but to what extent... only God knows.

Well, I got to admit I'm been in a daze for this week... thinking and reflecting about my life. That happens when I got too much free time and I begin to procrastinate on my studies and work.

Two nights ago... Wisdom Keeper was talking to me about relationship and life. Of coz' giving the example of Joanne and him. I got to say I admire their strength of love to be together even though they know that they will face many difficulties... Even so for Wolf and Jedi. These are the scouters that I looked up to... when it comes to handling love and scouting at the same time.

I remembered a joke I've been using, say if I got a girlfriend now. I would send her for training under Marshmellow (as she is super understanding about Wolf's passion for scouting). And when I am going to get married to the girl, I would send her for training under Mdm Siti (as she is super understanding about Jedi's passion for scouting). Isn't it ideal to have a partner that endlessly support your passion and love for something? (Except if the passion and love is for other girls lah!).

Some random drawing while working ... No meaning behind it... just thoughtless drawing. Haha sounds like I'm emo-ing... Yeah perhaps Ka-ren would say: "Emo-ing with the thumb sucking move again?!" I don't know.

It's time to get down to my 5 years plan already... for myself, my passion and my career. I remembered telling you once... Relationship or Career/ Work?! Haha it's hard to balance... only super-man or woman does it well! Are you one of them?! (haha not man I hope)...


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