24 July 2008

Never back down

Well, my title speaks for itself. I've just watched the movie: "Never back down"... I always liked inspirational movies such as... "Battle of the Titans", "The Replacement", "Pay the forward", what else... as long as it's about team, about spirit, about character and about being yourself!

I love the thought about this movie, speaking of ... Every man has his own fight. He has to face it up, sooner or later. Whatever the outcome that is, depends on YOU! Yeah you, reading this blog right now!... Whatever the fight you are facing right now, the outcome of it, depends on your desire to fight it.. your effort to counter it and your heart and spirit to break it.

I'm fighting a fight now... a fight between a new me and a present me. It's about getting out there, to reach for the World... to grasp it and make good use of it... It's like jumping high to catch a star, and then, giving that star to the person who can't reach it yet (but soon will do so too). Well, it's an analogy, figure it out!

I wanna be strong, I wanna go ahead and fight it out. Yet, I know I must continue to breathe, to stay focus and to calm my emotions. The worst thing to happen in a fight, is to let your emotion to control your actions and thoughts. Once you have entered this stage, it would be very difficult to break from it and, the fight would be over in seconds. It happens in life too, when making decisions and when facing a major upsetting problem. It's difficult to think rationally, however, a wise person who force and make sure that all angles are thought of first, before proceeding. An unwise person (I'm like that sometimes) would just go for it, without thinking, and get into deeper shit.

Well, I still remember the Lunar Cheer:

Clap Clap, Clap it out
Clap the Lunar Spirit out
Stomp Stomp, Stomp it out
Stomp the Lunar Spirti out
Shout Shout, Shout it out
Shout the Lunar Spirit out
OH.... Lunar!

Well, We got to fight it out too!

Wisdom Keeper: "Don't disappoint me..."
--> Never back down from that challenge!

Hairy Crab: "We can only do so much and provide so much opportunity for you, whether you want to reach out to the World... it's on you"
--> I'll reach out and Pay it Forward!

Wombat: "always set our mind set to "i'm preparing myself" ... this way no matter wat u want to do u will be prepared"
--> Let's do it for the Unit! For White Stag!

Fly like a butterful, Sting like a Bee - Muhammad Ali


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