17 July 2008

Just got my 6 months attachment location settled! It's back to Citi again! Woah! and this time round, there are familiar people around me again! Mel, Ah Ming, Ah Ben... so far that's who I know that is going over to Citi.

Well, I was really getting pissed off and she was really getting on my nerve earlier. Juanny was so worried with her 'interview' and chances to be in the Lynch. I can't take it when people hog over the same question over and over again just to feel satisfied to ease their fear. Where's the confidence? Where's the courage? Where's the drive to go? Shit!

Well, it was quite an emotional morning reading Turtle's msg. Well, be it buddy or so, there's no need to leave my life. It's already part of it, just like whoever I met in my life. Moreover, there's always someone in my life. The difference is just that, who will it be during that period of time. However, there is always one lady that is always in my life. Just like how all humans will have one lady that they will always treasure and love (generally).

Well, if we can't be like before, why not start anew with something else. Who says buddies can't go out and have fun? haha I'm single and unavailable at the moment. So still no constraint or anyone holding back... wait maybe have ... my Dad. haha.

Choices had to be made. However, I'm happy where I'm at ... at the moment. I've got great friends, people who cared and bother to stick up with my nonsense ... yeah that's enough for me, I guess. Some asshole (Juanny) is sitting beside me now saying that I'm long-winded!! Blardy hell.

OK... I'm meeting Yana sis later. I wonder what are we going to eat for today? Not too much stuff again I hope... NAPFA is next week and I can barely run, do pull-up and do sit-up. How? Die lor!



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