23 June 2008


Let's continue with Day 5 of DPCC.

Well, woke up at 7am sharp. This was really surprising as I was really shag through-out the night. This includes packing Waiman into her sleeping bag and carrying her to sleep beside Wombat as well as outside in the parade square.

I was trying to sort out all the photos taken during the camp, however, I fell asleep several times. And when I woke up, my finger would still be pressing the next button again and again. I guessed, my mind and eyes had shut down, but my body is still working non-stop.

Well, the sight in the morning, was quite weird at first, as the place looks more empty and there weren't any tall structures around. Slowly, I realised that most units had started to packed up their campsite by striking camp. I was like.. woah, they are serious about going home fast.

Although each unit was busy trying to settle their own campsite, upon finishing with their campsite, most members were running amok trying to help other units to clear up theirs as well. It was a pleasant sight to see. It really shows how much bond and friendship were being built over those 4 days. 4 days of hell, created a friendship that may last for eternity.

Well, things were kinda screwed up later as school lorries came to picked up the logistics, however participants could not be released until about 4 plus. I was really pissed with the bus driver for White Stag as he scolded Jedi and R. in front of the boys. Haha when Jedi went to tell him that we are not taking the bus back anymore, that idiot didn't understand English. Bear tried to speak in Chinese to him... by then I was really in a bad mood. Thus I told him off that we are no longer interested in taking his bus service and that he can F* off from the school. He did leave, and he was in a shocked. I'm glad I shoo him away. I would rather much punch him also (but no violence, in front of the scouts)...

The flag break was a really happy thing for all of us, as most of us walked away with a smile on our face. Seeing those kids grow out of their comfort zone, it's really fun. haha. Anyway, as all the kids hurried home, the camp staffs were busy packing up their stuff and checking for all the facilities being used, before locking up and going over the Tampines Mart McDonald's for a meal as well as to settle some paper work. We had a good laugh about the camp as well as some sharing sessions before heading home to our comfortable beds.

Personally, this camp gave me an opportunity to understand why I'm still in Scouting after so long. It's very much to learn about myself as well as to pay back to the next generation whenever the previous generation gave and taught me.

Rovering... its a old concept of scouting, yet still new in Singapore. So what's rovering actually like in Singapore? (http://singaporerovers.org/)
Well, I don't know, but my take is this, to learn and to grow and to guide and to teach.

Well, next up.... SYF. I wondered, what's installed for me?

Back to my life... school's starting in about 5 more hours. I'm still blogging after doing my CFAS e-learning, which I found out that I had assignments to complete like an hour ago. WTH boy.

I'm tired now... I will see SYF peeps on tuesday then!


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