19 April 2008

Week one has passed... how has it been for those who started school again?

I was bathing just a while ago and a random thought struck my mind. I thought, if I were to die within the day... where would the places I should go? One of which was definitely my mom's grave. The others that appeared was the Scout Den, the Fishy home, the Citi home, my own home (although my dad always complain that I'm treating my home like a hotel these days).. and still thinking for other places.

Who I would like to spend my time with for the last few moments? Apparently, no one... I would like to have a quiet time alone, reflecting on the past few years since I was born till present day. I would be thinking what have I done right for the society or maybe what mistakes I have been or had made in the past.

You kiddies know something? What actually made you stay in scouting for so long? Is it the CCA points? Is it for fun? Why scouts?

I was chatting with Ben, the other day. He is a buddy in my Poly life. A karate fighter with a burning passion to excel in that area as well as to do service for his federation. I asked him, why does he train so hard and why does he continue to go back to his club to do service? His reason and mindset is quite similar to mine.

Firstly, the environment is there. The people that we knew, the common identity... the sense of belonging and stuff...

Secondly, the leaders/ trainer(s). Well, would you go back to service a club or unit if the leaders or seniors treats you like sh*t? Or would you go back to help out the leaders or seniors that you feel is worthy of your time and effort?

Well, it may seem naive at times... however like what Jedi said: "For the crew/ unit"... we sacrifice our blood and sweat to educate.

I've so many many things to do ... My reports for school and scouts... My bike practical that I hardly begin... My car practical that I have yet to apply for... My school tutorials that I do not know how to begin... My life seems to be going at a fine pace, however down the road, there maybe hurdles and strange stuff happening... who knows?

Haha, I wonder who will be my next friend in line to get marry? It's so exciting to the point that it is like a slap to my face... reason being that I'm reaching that age soon too. It's just a matter of time. It used to be such a far-fetched idea in the past, however now... it seems so real. Well, whoever is going to get married first... better invite me too!! haha... kidding... I don't want to be an uninvited guest!!

And to my little cousin... thanks for the new nickname eh... The Eventual Replier...


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