28 April 2008

Lots of scouting thoughts feeling my mind these days. One of the major questions was: "What is the Scouts Promise and Law means to you in life?" Am I living my life based on the oath I swore upon when I first became a scout?

Scout Promise:
On my honour, I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to God
And the Republic of Singapore
To help other people
And to keep the Scout Law

Scout Law:
1) A Scout is to be trusted.
2) A Scout is loyal.
3) A Scout makes friends, establishes and maintains harmonious relations.
4) A Scout is disciplined and considerate.
5) A Scout has courage in all difficulties.

Basically, the Scout Promise and Law, in my own definition... is the way of scouting life as you live your life each day.

What's honour without pride? Nowadays, people do not have pride nor honour when handling life matters as well as making decisions. They tend to push the blame around or some simply care less about how others feel. What's the point of living a life without honour in your life?

The greatest satisfaction that I can think of currently, for me... is to do my best in as many things that I can, within my abilities that God gave me. The abilities to carry out his Will on Earth as it is in Heaven... Thus, placing God in the centre of your life, never goes wrong as he is the lamp-post or the guiding light.

What keeps volunteers from coming back time and again to help other people? Is it because there is no life in them, thus they volunteer? Is it because of monetary gains? What are the reasons? To help other people, especially people with special needs, is a privilege in life. A chance to be human and compassionate. Time passes by so quickly everyday as people are rushing here and there... however, not realising that there are people around us that God created, for us to take notice of and assist them.

The Scout Law generally sums up the areas in life that a person should have. Trust, loyalty, friendship, relationships, disciplined, considerate and courage... the fundamentals of being a Singaporean Scout, I guess. Generally, these are the things that is essential in life when you go about each and every day.

I tried to help you, offering you two sides of my shoulders to choose. Here's a selection fro you: the left or the right shoulder to lean on when you're upset and unhappy, when you need comfort and warmth... Time's up? What's your take?... You chose to gave both up. I get the meaning maybe. I don't know. I'm making myself sounding like a fool at times. It's silly to fall in love with such a childish mentality of mine.

Sometimes, in life, trying to help someone... doesn't always meant that the person will feel that he or she is being helped at all. In fact, at times, it can be kinda annoying and irritating. I guess that's how the other part of the beautiful twin felt. It's weird to think of her at times... I almost forgot how she is like anymore...

Helping that little turtle is never a troublesome job... well, like she said, coz' you're my buddy and you care for me. I guess there's no escaping to that phrase. Buddies for life?! I pray it will be lasting till death do us... haha part.

OK now here's the interesting part of me:
Rule #1: When you're upset or unhappy, unless you're open-minded and willing to listen to my illogical thinking, I'll 100% flop when I try to cheer you up... chances are that you'll feel more angry and upset for the idiocracy that I have.

Other rules to come later on...


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