Headaches after headaches. The brain seems to be pounding harder and harder as I have to think more and more of ways to handle customers' 'under the sunshine' requests. I really wonder sometimes, is money that evil? Yeah, money makes the 'World' goes round. The 'World' of humans to go round and round. There isn't any limit to earning money for anyone.
You may claim that you want to earn up to a million dollars today. And stop to enjoy life. But how much can a million dollars allow you to live your life comfortably with the inflation's going around the financial system? It will only become a mindset that you need to earn more money to keep up with your lifestyle and to retire comfortably. Is that true?
Anyway, work was kinda more less tense and more cheerful today. Thank God for His assistance and love. Thank Him for the confidence, courage and strength to handle customers. Thank Him everything that He set out for me. Ain't He a wonderful person to be in your life?
Ok, Saturday's Night Hike is confirm... regardless of rain or dry weather condition. I can't wait to see how it goes again. The last time I did such a hike was when I was only a scout. Looking back, I see myself as someone who is scare of taking risk and afraid of the dark. Saturday, I would see myself as a changed person. Someone who has an appetite for risk as well as willing to face the darkness with new courage. However, will I be able to do that to the girl I like?
The happiest person in Singapore, that's the subject that appeared in The New Paper today. I wonder, do we really have such a person existing? Singapore being a cosmopolitan and competitive society, is a place where the survival of the fittest gets to play in. If you are lagging by a second, you get dropped out. Since young, most Singaporeans are conditioned to be on the edge of the competition. To enter the best university and stuff. There only seem to be one route in life to most people. To study hard, earn a degree and work. Sometimes, when I look back in my life, am I going in that direction too?
Do I study for the first half of my life, and work for the other half till I die? Have I done anything that I would regret not trying to do during my youthful days? Am I enjoying life the way God wants me to? or am I just wasting my life away?
Seriously, people has been telling me to go to Church every Sunday and going to religious events. I do not doubt that God exist. I do not doubt that His Words are real. I do not doubt that His Love is real. I just doubt that with God by your side, can't we feel the same love, care and concern? Do we have to feel those only through fellowship or attending Church every Sunday?
Isn't the acceptance of Christ in your heart and soul the way to having God accepting you? or do we have to prove our worth by going to Church each Sunday without fail to allow God to accept you? I do feel the lost of connection from God sometimes, however, being a rebellious kiddo, I do not intend to follow rules set by humans all the time. The only weird thing is, do humans follow the rules of the World or the rules by Jesus?
To end off, life is short and fragile. It can bring about another life, or it can cause another life to end. Whatever it is, in a blink of an eye, you will see yourself in situations such as death of a family member or friend. So instead of waiting for such a situation to happen, why not tell your friends how much they mean to you as well as taking an proactive action to make life easier for people around you.
Pro activeness and initiative seems to be losing it's touch in the human race from generation to generation. Soon, people will just sit down and wait for instructions given instead of taking a step forward to do additional things. When that day comes, maybe there isn't much hope left on Earth.
Well, Melody, dinner next week, don't forget?
Turtle, dinner some day as well?
Let me know again :)
You may claim that you want to earn up to a million dollars today. And stop to enjoy life. But how much can a million dollars allow you to live your life comfortably with the inflation's going around the financial system? It will only become a mindset that you need to earn more money to keep up with your lifestyle and to retire comfortably. Is that true?
Anyway, work was kinda more less tense and more cheerful today. Thank God for His assistance and love. Thank Him for the confidence, courage and strength to handle customers. Thank Him everything that He set out for me. Ain't He a wonderful person to be in your life?
Ok, Saturday's Night Hike is confirm... regardless of rain or dry weather condition. I can't wait to see how it goes again. The last time I did such a hike was when I was only a scout. Looking back, I see myself as someone who is scare of taking risk and afraid of the dark. Saturday, I would see myself as a changed person. Someone who has an appetite for risk as well as willing to face the darkness with new courage. However, will I be able to do that to the girl I like?
The happiest person in Singapore, that's the subject that appeared in The New Paper today. I wonder, do we really have such a person existing? Singapore being a cosmopolitan and competitive society, is a place where the survival of the fittest gets to play in. If you are lagging by a second, you get dropped out. Since young, most Singaporeans are conditioned to be on the edge of the competition. To enter the best university and stuff. There only seem to be one route in life to most people. To study hard, earn a degree and work. Sometimes, when I look back in my life, am I going in that direction too?
Do I study for the first half of my life, and work for the other half till I die? Have I done anything that I would regret not trying to do during my youthful days? Am I enjoying life the way God wants me to? or am I just wasting my life away?
Seriously, people has been telling me to go to Church every Sunday and going to religious events. I do not doubt that God exist. I do not doubt that His Words are real. I do not doubt that His Love is real. I just doubt that with God by your side, can't we feel the same love, care and concern? Do we have to feel those only through fellowship or attending Church every Sunday?
Isn't the acceptance of Christ in your heart and soul the way to having God accepting you? or do we have to prove our worth by going to Church each Sunday without fail to allow God to accept you? I do feel the lost of connection from God sometimes, however, being a rebellious kiddo, I do not intend to follow rules set by humans all the time. The only weird thing is, do humans follow the rules of the World or the rules by Jesus?
To end off, life is short and fragile. It can bring about another life, or it can cause another life to end. Whatever it is, in a blink of an eye, you will see yourself in situations such as death of a family member or friend. So instead of waiting for such a situation to happen, why not tell your friends how much they mean to you as well as taking an proactive action to make life easier for people around you.
Pro activeness and initiative seems to be losing it's touch in the human race from generation to generation. Soon, people will just sit down and wait for instructions given instead of taking a step forward to do additional things. When that day comes, maybe there isn't much hope left on Earth.
Well, Melody, dinner next week, don't forget?
Turtle, dinner some day as well?
Let me know again :)
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