05 February 2008

Being yourself? How do I do that? ...

Isn't it funny when I tell people to be yourself and yet sometimes I find it hard to do so?

Well, as a leader, I have to uphold the image of being a responsible and caring and blah blah blah person... the list does go on and on. However, I have to admit, I am actually wearing a mask over to portray that I am a leader. However, deep in me, I do really want to join in the fun, kick some asses and get wild! Wahaha...

For those who participated in PLTC 07', you would have notice how eager I was to participate in the challenge valley. However, as duty calls, I got to ensure safety and make sure the programme runs smoothly. So too bad then ...

Being myself is not hide my thoughts and feelings and ways of life. I do show them to people at times, however, image image image... Haiz. Sometimes, when I feel that you should do this and that (knowing that it is bad at times), I got to white lie saying that you shouldn't and you should be doing the 'right' things.

So many restriction and social norms to abide to. It can be tiring sometimes ... I've decided, I shall be as honest as possible, in a tactful way of cos'. What is there to be so 'holy' and 'text-book' when human relationship with each other cannot be comprehend by mere words and description? Honesty seems to be far away thing in this modern society... it seems that people likes to hear things that satisfy their ears even though they know it is a lie. Why?!

When I was still a boy, I wouldn't give a hoot of what people think about me. I would just do things my way and then stick by it. However, due to image, I've got to think how will others view me, before taking actions or making decisions. I still do scold f*ck in front of people, I still am very rebellious, I still am going against authority... however, of cos' I try to lessen all these due to ... IMAGE!! WTH

Well, I chatted with a lady asking why can't people be close to 100% honest to others ?(there is no 100% honesty, I believe). Well, her answer was that sometimes, being 100% honest will cause you to go against your conscience, worse if it complicate matters. Humans are such delicate and weird creatures. They take the truth as something negative. She added that telling the truth can be selfish at times. The reason was that you get to lift your burden from your shoulders, yet at the expense of making someone else miserable. Well, ultimately, what I can think of is a vicious cycle of passing the misery around from one person to another...

Talk about global environmental crisis, there will be someone who will say, "Where got! There are still trees around!". An Inconvenient truth indeed.

I always thought that lying, would get me out of trouble. Well it does most of the time, however as I grow older (man, I am old now...), I realise that being honest to yourself is more satisfying. That satisfaction gained is much more worthwhile than to lie and get scot-free. Of cos' the I will have to face the music and sing to it... but the music does stop somehow, right?

Well, a public apology to Hippo. I sure get you into deeper sh"t I guess. But whatever I said (even if I didn't really do it), was from the bottom of my heart and to my principles. I'm waiting for that opportunity to do it too. I just got to wait for the right time. At least, there is a God that you can cast your problems to and instead of worrying if it ever gets solve. You can rest your mind and see the problems solved right in front of your eyes.

When is the time when you are honest and get hurt the most?

Well, for me is in relationship. I fear rejection like mad... literally, I would rather confirm that the girl likes me before I tell her about my feelings. It really sucks when you want to be honest and tell the girl that you are interested in her, and get rejected (even if it is in a nice way). Well, no worries, I am learning to cope with rejection also. :) I am imagining that I have the rejection stamp on my forehead now ... Wahaha, that would be interesting.

Life is a breeze now for me, nothing to worry much, except for certain matters. I have been trusting on God for my exams and tests for about 4 years now, ever since my N level period. And for these 4 years, HE never fails to amaze me. :)

Well, not to bore you guys anymore. Let's get started to make the World a better place to live in!


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