Different working styles, personalities clashes. What else is new when it comes to working with others? Even best friends and family members fall out with each other due to these problems, what's more for strangers?
Everyone will experience it at least once in different stages of their lives. An example, projects in school. Primary, secondary, polytechnic, ITE, JCs or universities will have project groups working on a certain topic. Within these project groups, how many of the members have the same thinking and working style as you? Close to none?! Even in the working society, you'll be force to work with people you may not know at first. Even in scouting, when you are in a patrol, you will face different types of members.
Well, there are certain people who can be categorize as:
1) Siao-on type
2) Free-riders
3) Silent killers
4) Golden egg in the mouth
5) Agree-ers
6) Devil's advocate
But what ever it is, tolerance has a different limit for each person. Appreciation for other people who goes the extra mile to help out the group is also important. I salute and admire such people as they are willing to cover-up for their other team members lacking and still do a great job. And I really pray for those who are happily lacking and not contributing to the team effort and yet celebrate the same results. As the saying goes: "There's no I in a TEAM"
That's why they say, the world is a never fair place to play a leveled game. Some have to work harder, while others less and some just ride the waves. Beware, all waves do cease over time, while some will just crush you down.
Let's say that despite all differences and difficulties working together, the ultimate objective is to get the task done well, so that all can celebrate together for the effort put in.
For scouting units that faces power struggles and patrol members disagreements. One question for you guys, is it about YOU or about the UNIT that matters? For project groups that has team work problems, is it about YOU or about the ultimate submission of the project to obtain the RESULTS desired? For companies, is it about YOU earning more or the COMPANY earning?
Simple question, that lots of people find it difficult to answer due to their egoistic, selfish and idiotic mentally, that tells them to save themselves first and let the others die. Survival tactics?! Yeah but not human enough.
Everyone will experience it at least once in different stages of their lives. An example, projects in school. Primary, secondary, polytechnic, ITE, JCs or universities will have project groups working on a certain topic. Within these project groups, how many of the members have the same thinking and working style as you? Close to none?! Even in the working society, you'll be force to work with people you may not know at first. Even in scouting, when you are in a patrol, you will face different types of members.
Well, there are certain people who can be categorize as:
1) Siao-on type
2) Free-riders
3) Silent killers
4) Golden egg in the mouth
5) Agree-ers
6) Devil's advocate
But what ever it is, tolerance has a different limit for each person. Appreciation for other people who goes the extra mile to help out the group is also important. I salute and admire such people as they are willing to cover-up for their other team members lacking and still do a great job. And I really pray for those who are happily lacking and not contributing to the team effort and yet celebrate the same results. As the saying goes: "There's no I in a TEAM"
That's why they say, the world is a never fair place to play a leveled game. Some have to work harder, while others less and some just ride the waves. Beware, all waves do cease over time, while some will just crush you down.
Let's say that despite all differences and difficulties working together, the ultimate objective is to get the task done well, so that all can celebrate together for the effort put in.
For scouting units that faces power struggles and patrol members disagreements. One question for you guys, is it about YOU or about the UNIT that matters? For project groups that has team work problems, is it about YOU or about the ultimate submission of the project to obtain the RESULTS desired? For companies, is it about YOU earning more or the COMPANY earning?
Simple question, that lots of people find it difficult to answer due to their egoistic, selfish and idiotic mentally, that tells them to save themselves first and let the others die. Survival tactics?! Yeah but not human enough.
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