29 December 2007

Date: 27th to 29th Dec 2007
Event: White Stag and Kijang Combined Camp

Well, I got to admit that who in the right mind would have a camp on the last week of December, where most people would just want to enjoy their last bit of holidays. Anyway, the camp was not run by the scout leaders, nor ventures, nor scouts for the first time. It was ran by an external service provider (who I shall not name).

Well, generally, the camp was normal (in my opinion). Nothing much exciting or dull. Maybe it was the participation rate and the maturity of the participants involved. Thus, I have to say, the younger the participants involved, the easier it is to satisfy their excitement during activities. The more mature the participants are, the more they expect and, of cos', they have better experience in games or activities that are being repeated over and over again.

But one thing, I am really happy about for the bunch that I taught so far, are that they learnt some basic skills and remembered the least to make use of them when the need arises. An example was fire lighting, I don't know why my scouts love this activity so much so that I have to place a restriction on it. However, due to their passion in it, they remember it well.

Seriously, seeing one batch after another grow up to be a better scout with skills equipped in their lives, does bring greater satisfaction. I wonder, if this is the reason why the older leaders still carried on Scouting too?

Anyway, the camp is over, and I hope that there will be a bond created between the two units. :))


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