It's Sunday, thus it's family day for me. I thought it would be bad actually to go to the beach and cycle or skate. However, it wasn't that bad after all. We had fun and I got to learn to skate properly again. Well, if I remembered correctly, the last time that I skated was like last year or so. That was another family cum cousins outing to skate and enjoy ourselves. I've decided, I'll buy one pair for myself to practice when I got the time and money, which although it seems not possible to do so with the current lifestyle that I'm living.

Well, back to the family activity, we happened to pass-by an event whereby family gathers to build sand castles together. It's really a joy to see them work hard together to play and work just to build a sand castle that never really last long.
Right spank in the middle was a gigantic sand castle built by TJC, I do not know when they build it, but it was nice and arty. While circling around the 'art', a thought struck my mind. It was about how we are part of the kingdom of God and how we are going to build that kingdom up. Then another thought came about, how we as humans, build our lives up day after day. Well, I do not have that answer, but it's worth trying to think about it and wonder, what are we really working and building our lives for in this World?
Here are the pictures taken:
When I first received the holy spirit and to speak in tongues (that was one of the happiest moment of my life), my Care-group Leader (CGL) messaged me a verse that she thought it might help me to understand and meditate on. It goes as, Jude 1:10 "Beloved, building (repairing, construct a building) yourselves up on your MOST holy faith, PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT, keep yourselves in the love of God." Thus, after all those thoughts and questions, it came to the verse that my CGL sent me a long time ago. Thanks Daddy God for this moment!
To all my friends, I'm back to the the Fisherians! So do drop by and visit when you are free. Happy Sunday and Enjoy!
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