13 October 2007

Past Memories ...

As I sat down on the chair, facing the four walls of the room. I started to reflect, something prompt me to look back in my messages in my inbox over the years. I was surprise I still kept these two messages that someone sent to me.

Those were suppose to be painful memories that continues to haunt me today, but these messages are also a reminder to not give up and continue to believe. These are the two messages:

Date: 7th Feb 2005
my fingers were poised over the keyboard, ready to type something. but yet i didnt know wad to type cos it was for you. wadever i thought of just didnt seem right. after many unfruitful attempts, i gave up. many a times, i was caught in tis dilemma.
picking up my hp to msg you was something that used to be so easy for me. somehow or rather, there was juz something to tell you about. but now... it is so hard.
i couldnt bring myself to talk to you again, after telling you how much i hated you. maybe my pride has gotten in the way. but i admit, i cant bring myself to hate you. i juz cant. i should be hating you.
i dunno if i ever will have enough guts to send you tis email. but for now, i juz wanna get things off my mind.

Date: 8th Feb 2005
hmmmm.... honestly i still do like you alot. maybe tat is why i feel that i should hate you. you could say that tis has been a crushing blow to me becos u ARE one of my closest frenz. and therefore i feel the pain even more.
i will try not to ignore you during ***'s party but it wun be a sure thing. afterall, i am still rather mad at you. not juz for the fact that u like another gal but also cos you keep bringing up the damn topic. SO..... natuarally, i will get pissed off like any normal person would.
but for now, juz concentrate on ur studies. dun let anybody pissed you off. u said that u gave up relationships for ur studies, so u beta study hard or i will really get very angry. you dun want that to happen do ya? then you wun have a cute and lovable ***** to disturb u anymore...
anyway dun let tis small ppl irritate u. not worth it right?

2 years had passed, I wonder how much have changed between us?

(There is no change to the text, except for the removal of names)


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