20 October 2007


For the past 2 weeks, I was thinking of the question, how do people stop loving someone so easily? Well, it was a tough and very super private question that if I were to ask anyone, the answer will most likely not be 100% honesty. I mean like if a couple is so in love each other, don't their love strengthen each passing day instead of falling apart? More-over, if the couple treats the relationship seriously, even there is a third party, it will not affect each other much as well. Isn't that right?

Well, I was chatting with this woman about her man and stuff. So we were sharing some experiences and about each others' partners. And finally, she mentioned to me a very good point in a relationship that I over-looked many a times. That is when a couple gets too busy doing their personal activities, they tend to focus more on their activities and very often forget to think of the other party. I mean, that is very true, isn't it? How can you be focus on your school work while thinking of your partner or focusing on your career while thinking of your partner? Although humans do multi-task, however, this scenario seems to be rare or impossible to achieve by normal standards.

Thus, I realized that for couples to really treat their relationship seriously, they tend to sit down, relax and think of their man or woman often or at least a few times. But of course, try not to go to the extreme of calling every hour to check on the man or woman or asking him or her to report their daily movements to you. It is not a boot-camp or prison row-call. Give some space yet allow the other partner tell you what they feel you should know about in their lives. Even husbands and wives cannot be 100% honest to each other at times. There is bound to be some dark secret or some white lies along the way. But the important thing is that they trust each other and love each other a lot.

Well, if you were to lose feelings for your partner, take some time to think, what is the problem and where does it lies? There is no fault in a relationship as it takes two hands to clap and make it happen. Maybe you two are too busy, maybe there isn't enough spice in your life or maybe you two aren't really clicking well together. Well, a revelation once occurred in my life, that is: "Security in a relationship entwines with Trust and Faith in HIM to manage and handle the problems you are facing. It's He who placed us together and it's He who will provide for us to be together." So, well if you are lacking security, think about why so? Are you actually trusting Him and your partner in the relationship? or is it because of some other man or woman that causes you to be over-jealous and start acting as another person in front of your partner?

It's all in your mindset, whether you decide to continue believing in the Father and your partner that things will be better for you all and that the crisis will be over soon. Or, you can choose the alternative to just break up and forget everything. But don't say that you regret and there is no point looking back, as there is every reason to turn back once in a while. True feelings die hard. After all, we're just humans only.


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